Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Word of the Week

My word for this week is exacerbate. This is a word that I actually use a lot in conversation- perhaps more frequently than I actually should- but it is fun to see who gives me a confused look when it comes out of my mouth. Plus, I really like the word.


pronunciation: \ig-ˈza-sər-ˌbāt\
Part of Speech: transitive verb

Etymology: From Latin exacerbatus, past participle of exacerbare, from ex- + acerbus harsh increase the severity, bitterness, or violence of (disease, ill feeling, etc.); aggravate. embitter the feelings of (a person); irritate; exasperate.

Colleen's sentence: After my foot was broken while playing soccer, Ashley accidentally stepped on it which exacerbated the pain.

I saw this word today in an article on about the failing stock market. I thought they used the word particularly well because I can imagine that many people's fears are exacerbated with the Dow dropping 300 points. .

Again, I chose it because it is such a great word and one that I use all the time.

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